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The Network for Oncology Clinical Trials

Instant Results from a Global Patient Population

The Network for Oncology Clinical Trials

Instant Results from a Global Patient Population

Leverage Real-World Data

The TriNetX network connects you to clinical and genomic data at healthcare organizations all over the world enabling you to


Design Protocols

Assess Protocol Feasibility

Locate Study Sites

Identify Eligible Patients

Enhanced Data Analytics

Access the required depth of data

Access the required depth of data

TriNetX seamlessly integrates data from sources including tumor registries, unstructured pathology reports using NLP, molecular genomics, and all leading EMR systems.

Identify chemotherapy lines of treatment

Identify chemotherapy lines of treatment

Our groundbreaking algorithm understands treatment patterns to deduce the lines of chemotherapy treatment patients are undergoing—information that up to now has been nearly impossible to obtain.

Predict how many patients will become eligible

Predict future patient eligibility

Determine how many new patients with the specific inclusion/exclusion criteria you seek will become eligible for your trial in the next 12 months on a site by site basis.

“Being able to identify which line of chemotherapy treatment corresponds to which subset of a patient’s data is truly a breakthrough in oncology data analytics. This type of information is not tracked in traditional EMRs or any other system today. The ability of TriNetX to deliver this data provides huge benefits for both biopharma companies and healthcare organizations in their data driven analyses.”

Jack London, PhD.

Informatics Core Director, Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at Jefferson and Professor of Cancer Biology, Thomas Jefferson University

Optimizing Oncology Clinical Trials

TriNetX for Oncology

Grow with us

Focus on Data

TriNetX is growing the world’s most robust real-world data set in terms of breadth and depth, enhancing clinical research programs and enabling discovery of large oncology cohorts.

Grow with us

Self-Service Access

Our user-friendly interface allows you to quickly and easily build a query that represents the inclusion/exclusion criteria of a protocol, and attain instant results from a global patient population.

Build a beautiful product

Expert Clinical Scientists

Our highly trained scientists are devoted to teaching you ingenious ways of leveraging real-world data for research.

Build a beautiful product

Global Reach

Our rapidly growing network includes nearly 300M patients in 17 countries, ensuring access to a rich data set from a representative population.